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December '22 News Letter

December 2022

Brrr! It’s beginning to feel a lot like winter. Snow is falling here and there, but nothing that’s really stuck so far here in Southern Aroostook. Our friends up North are getting a good base of snow and we hope that’s a sign of a good sled season to come. Our Trail Master Wally and team member Greg have been busy signing, brushing, and checking in with local landowners. There’s still lots of work to do before we can call ourselves ready, but we’re off to a great start. Typically, this is weekend work and any members interested in helping are welcome to contact Wally or message the club facebook page.

The Board members met on October 13th and November 10th to recap some of our events and make plans for the upcoming winter. At October’s meeting we went over the Landowner Appreciation dinner, which overall was a successful day despite limited time for advertising and having taken off a couple years due to COVID. There was a delicious meal and great company at the clubhouse, we filled the bellies of around 60 people and gained both new and renewing memberships. We discussed how to make the club house a little warmer, opting to remove a couple of the large back windows, so that project is currently underway. Some of our appliances need replacing and Club President Blake has taken on this task for us.

At November’s meeting we recapped our Hunter’s Breakfast, which took place on October 29th. We had a great turnout for breakfast, feeding 135 people between 4am-8am! Josh Shields, with the help of family and other volunteers put on a spread of bacon, ham, sausage, pancakes, eggs, beans and more! We held a gun raffle for the month of November and drew the winner on November 25th, Coral Foley who bought her ticket at the breakfast, was our winner for the Savage Axis bolt action rifle. Thank you to all who bought tickets and to Jim from Straight Shooter Guns & Ammo for help with this!

In other clubhouse news, our memberships are a little ahead of where they were at this time last year, with around 130 members so far. Our membership board got a recent face lift, thanks to member Josh Murchie & family. Vice President Ben Adams is in the process of ordering our new apparel line, including hoodies, t shirts and hats that will be available. We’re excited to have these items and see folks representing Linneus Sno Sports! More details on that to come. Weekend luncheons will begin in January. We have some of these weekends covered for help but could use more if any member is available and willing to lend a hand, please reach out to any board member or to Inez McLean.

Wednesday night Bingo is still a hit. Come for the camaraderie, the hot meals, and a chance to put some money in your pocket. The bigger the crowd, the bigger the payout so bring your friends!

Next board meeting is Thursday, December 8th at 7pm. Members are welcome to attend.

Hopefully by the next newsletter I’ll be reporting snow & trail grooming. In the meantime, have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the team here at Linneus Sno Sports!


Linneus Sno Sports Secretary


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